Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What and Why?

Howdy, let me 'splain something...

I've been thinking about having a blog.  Something completely separate from my main website but still related to my work as an author/artist and all-around crazy human being.

My main reason for this blog is to be able to write anything a want to. Yes, it's attached to my author page but, at least I will have caveats all over the joint so anyone who decides to adventure over here, they will know the deal.

I want to talk about how I feel. What I'm going through.  as an struggling artist, author, who also happens to be a husband, father and wrestling with middle age.

I will get into my processes. Both visual arts and writing.

There will be a daily log of my current WIP and my reflections on that day's work (or lack thereof.)

To be honest, the true reason for me to write this blog is very self-serving.  Though, hey, I hope many folks come and read my zany, manic blog posts, I am hoping to use it as creative therapy for me and my pain in the ass Muse.

So, welcome.  Have a seat. Pour yourself a cold, or hot, beverage and let me tell you about this really groovy idea I just came up with.

Oh, don't bother...I already locked the door.